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Til Valhalla 

Michael C. Roy, coming home

     The lyrics to this song were written by Major Michael Murray, a retired, disabled, Marine.  The song is a reference to Valhalla, the Norse Viking version of the warrior's heaven. ​It was inspired by the loss of fellow Marines, service members and civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This song was fueled by Mike's personal struggle with post-traumatic stress.  He knows firsthand the struggle endured by veterans and emergency responders. ​


   Sadly, about 28.8 veterans take their own lives every day according to a 2020 DoD study.  Additionally, suicide plagues all categories of emergency responders.  Many of these tragic losses of life are connected directly to Post Traumatic Stress.  â€‹As many as 30% of the total veteran population has been diagnosed with PTSD according to the Veterans Administration's National Center for PTSD. On average, 5.9 to 22% of first responders suffer from Post Traumatic Stress according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC).


​,, and Liberty OVE have teamed up to make a difference in the world by creating and publishing this song to bring awareness to the devastating effects of Post Traumatic Stress and the reality that there is hope and help!  Proceeds from this song will be used to spread the message of hope for the elimination of Post Traumatic Stress and to fund training programs for those who wish to join the team so veterans and emergency responders can live PTSD-Free!!! 

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All proceeds from any music download go to support our work.  Whether it is providing PTSD relief from TRIP, providing recreational therapies, or chipping away at veteran homelessness, we are hard at work.


These songs are written by Michael G. Murray (Founder) and Toby Christensen (Hear the Hope).  Any artist is free to download, adjust, and perform them with the expressed agreement that all, or a portion, of any proceeds come back to support our mission. Contact for more details. 


We have launched the Liberty Ranch project where we will be able to provide so much more than we do now.  This will be a working ranch that provide mental health services, houses homeless veterans, provides recreational therapies, and houses a training facility to train first responder agencies in mental health protocols that can be used in peer-to-peer support. 


We are currently exploring land in Virginia.  Your support of this project would be a blessing. 

Love Ranch
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